bits on data

>_ the imposter's guide to data, devrel, and software

Big Data Hype

In the wake of the early social media boom and web 2.0, 'Big Data' was the belle of the tech buzzword ball. Google’s seminal Google File System and MapReduce papers spurred engineers at Yahoo to develop Apache Hadoop to handle a massive influx of data including user-generated content from cat videos to every single thought that entered their mind. The hype sold the idea that companies would be able to provide faster improvements and higher customer retention by leveraging this terabyte-to-petabyte-sized data to better understand their customers and how to personalize advertisements down to individuals. The tech industry was tripping over itself to jump on the Hadoop bandwagon.

Companies quickly built colossal Hadoop clusters of data on HDFS, resulting in the digital equivalent of a hoarder's house where data would rarely – if ever – see the light of day again. As this data accrued, companies threw money at software engineers, urging them to hastily retrain themselves to use a distributed MapReduce framework. They churned out code at a frantic pace, creating some of the buggiest, most convoluted software known to the data world. Data pipelines resembled a spaghetti junction, and despite reliability improvements of the storage and infrastructure layer, the output of these systems was rarely accurate and never timely. Questions would be asked of this system, and weeks or more likely months later, the answer would come with little to no interest in it by the time it returned.


the night sky is lit up over the water

Photo by Michail Dementiev on Unsplash

Disclaimer: I am the Head of Developer Relations at Tabular and a Developer Advocate in both Apache Iceberg and Trino communities. All of my 🌶️ takes are my biased opinion and not necessarily the opinion of Tabular, the Apache Software Foundation, the Trino Software Foundation, or the communities I work with. This also goes into a bit of my personal story for leaving my previous company but relates to my reasoning so I offer you a TL;DR if you don’t care about the details.

TL;DR: I believe Apache Iceberg won the table format wars, not because of a feature race, but primarily because of the open Iceberg spec. There are some features only available in Iceberg due to the breaking of compatibility with Hive, which was also a contributing factor to the adoption of the implementation.

My revelation with Iceberg

Two months ago, I made the difficult decision to leave Starburst which was hands down the best job I’ve ever had up to this point. Since I left I’ve had a lot of questions about my motivations for leaving and wanted to put some concerns to rest. This role allowed me to get deeply involved in open-source during working hours and showed me how I could aid the community to get traction on their work and drive the roadmap for many in the project. This was a new calling that overlapped with many altruist parts of how I define myself and was deeply rewarding.

I made some incredible friends, some of which have become invaluable mentors during this process of learning the nuances and interplay between venture capital and an open-source community. So why did I leave this job that I love so much?


Learn how to quickly join data across multiple sources

If you haven’t heard of Trino before, it is a query engine that speaks the language of many genres of databases. As such, Trino is commonly used to provide fast ad-hoc queries across heterogeneous data sources. Trino’s initial use case was built around replacing the Hive runtime engine to allow for faster querying of Big Data warehouses and data lakes. This may be the first time you have heard of Trino, but you’ve likely heard of the project from which it was “forklifted”, Presto. If you want to learn more about why the creators of Presto now work on Trino (formerly PrestoSQL) you can read the renaming blog that they produced earlier this year. Before you commit too much to this blog, I’d like to let you know why you should even care about Trino.

So what is Trino anyways?

The first thing I like to make sure people know about when discussing Trino is that it is a SQL query engine, but not a SQL database. What does that mean? Traditional databases typically consist of a query engine and a storage engine. Trino is just a query engine and does not store data. Instead, Trino interacts with various databases that store their own data in their own formats. Trino parses and analyzes the SQL query you pass in, creates and optimizes a query execution plan that includes the data sources, and then schedules worker nodes that are able to intelligently query the underlying databases they connect to.


Welcome to the Trino on ice series, covering the details around how the Iceberg table format works with the Trino query engine. The examples build on each previous post, so it’s recommended to read the posts sequentially and reference them as needed later. Here are links to the posts in this series:

Back in the Gentle introduction to the Hive connector blog post, I discussed a commonly misunderstood architecture and uses of the Trino Hive connector. In short, while some may think the name indicates Trino makes a call to a running Hive instance, the Hive connector does not use the Hive runtime to answer queries. Instead, the connector is named Hive connector because it relies on Hive conventions and implementation details from the Hadoop ecosystem – the invisible Hive specification.

I call this specification invisible because it doesn’t exist. It lives in the Hive code and the minds of those who developed it. This is makes it very difficult for anybody else who has to integrate with any distributed object storage that uses Hive, since they had to rely on reverse engineering and keeping up with the changes. The way you interact with Hive changes based on which version of Hive or Hadoop you are running. It also varies if you are in the cloud or over an object store. Spark has even modified the Hive spec in some ways to fit the Hive model to their use cases. It’s a big mess that data engineers have put up with for years. Yet despite the confusion and lack of organization due to Hive’s number of unwritten assumptions, the Hive connector is the most popular connector in use for Trino. Virtually every big data query engine uses the Hive model today in some form. As a result it is used by numerous companies to store and access data in their data lakes.

So how did something with no specification become so ubiquitous in data lakes? Hive was first in the large object storage and big data world as part of Hadoop. Hadoop became popular from good marketing for Hadoop to solve the problems of dealing with the increase in data with the Web 2.0 boom . Of course, Hive didn’t get everything wrong. In fact, without Hive, and the fact that it is open source, there may not have been a unified specification at all. Despite the many hours data engineers have spent bashing their heads against the wall with all the unintended consequences of Hive, it still served a very useful purpose.

So why did I just rant about Hive for so long if I’m here to tell you about Apache Iceberg? It’s impossible for a teenager growing up today to truly appreciate music streaming services without knowing what it was like to have an iPod with limited storage, or listening to a scratched burnt CD that skips, or flipping your tape or record to side-B. The same way anyone born before the turn of the millennium really appreciates streaming services, so you too will appreciate Iceberg once you’ve learned the intricacies of managing a data lake built on Hive and Hadoop.

If you haven’t used Hive before, this blog post outlines just a few pain points that come from this data warehousing software to give you proper context. If you have already lived through these headaches, this post acts as a guide to Iceberg from Hive. This post is the first in a series of blog posts discussing Apache Iceberg in great detail, through the lens of the Trino query engine user. If you’re not aware of Trino (formerly PrestoSQL) yet, it is the project that houses the founding Presto community after the founders of Presto left Facebook. This and the next couple of posts discuss the Iceberg specification and all the features Iceberg has to offer, many times in comparison with Hive.

Before jumping into the comparisons, what is Iceberg exactly? The first thing to understand is that Iceberg is not a file format, but a table format. It may not be clear what this means by just stating that, but the function of a table format becomes clearer as the improvements Iceberg brings from the Hive table standard materialize. Iceberg doesn’t replace file formats like ORC and Parquet, but is the layer between the query engine and the data. Iceberg maps and indexes the files in order to provide a higher level abstraction that handles the relational table format for data lakes. You will understand more about table formats through examples in this series.

Hidden Partitions

Hive Partitions

Since most developers and users interact with the table format via the query language, a noticeable difference is the flexibility you have while creating a partitioned table. Assume you are trying to create a table for tracking events occurring in our system. You run both sets of SQL commands from Trino, just using the Hive and Iceberg connectors which are designated by the catalog name (i.e. the catalog name starting with hive. uses the Hive connector, while the iceberg. table uses the Iceberg connector). To begin with, the first DDL statement attempts to create an events table in the logging schema in the hive catalog, which is configured to use the Hive connector. Trino also creates a partition on the events table using the event_time field which is a TIMESTAMP field.

  level VARCHAR,
  event_time TIMESTAMP,
  message VARCHAR,
  call_stack ARRAY(VARCHAR)
) WITH (
  format = 'ORC',
  partitioned_by = ARRAY['event_time']

Running this in Trino using the Hive connector produces the following error message.

Partition keys must be the last columns in the table and in the same order as the table properties: [event_time]

The Hive DDL is very dependent on ordering for columns and specifically partition columns. Partition fields must be located in the final column positions and in the order of partitioning in the DDL statement. The next statement attempts to create the same table, but now with the event_time field moved to the last column position.

  level VARCHAR,
  message VARCHAR,
  call_stack ARRAY(VARCHAR),
  event_time TIMESTAMP
) WITH (
  format = 'ORC',
  partitioned_by = ARRAY['event_time']

This time, the DDL command works successfully, but you likely don’t want to partition your data on the plain timestamp. This results in a separate file for each distinct timestamp value in your table (likely almost a file for each event). In Hive, there’s no way to indicate the time granularity at which you want to partition natively. The method to support this scenario with Hive is to create a new VARCHAR column, event_time_day that is dependent on the event_time column to create the date partition value.

  level VARCHAR,
  event_time TIMESTAMP,
  message VARCHAR,
  call_stack ARRAY(VARCHAR),
  event_time_day VARCHAR
) WITH (
  format = 'ORC',
  partitioned_by = ARRAY['event_time_day']

This method wastes space by adding a new column to your table. Even worse, it puts the burden of knowledge on the user to include this new column for writing data. It is then necessary to use that separate column for any read access to take advantage of the performance gains from the partitioning.

  timestamp '2021-04-01 12:00:00.000001',
  'Oh noes', 
  ARRAY ['Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException'], 
  timestamp '2021-04-02 15:55:55.555555',
  'Double oh noes',
  ARRAY ['Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException'],
  timestamp '2021-04-02 00:00:11.1122222',
  'Maybeh oh noes?',
  ARRAY ['Bad things could be happening??'], 

Notice that the last partition value '2021-04-01' has to match the TIMESTAMP date during insertion. There is no validation in Hive to make sure this is happening because it only requires a VARCHAR and knows to partition based on different values.

On the other hand, If a user runs the following query:

WHERE event_time < timestamp '2021-04-02';

they get the correct results back, but have to scan all the data in the table:

level event_time message call_stack
ERROR 2021-04-01 12:00:00 Oh noes Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NullPointerException

Originally Posted on

TL;DR: The Hive connector is what you use in Trino for reading data from object storage that is organized according to the rules laid out by Hive, without using the Hive runtime code.

One of the most confusing aspects when starting Trino is the Hive connector. Typically, you seek out the use of Trino when you experience an intensely slow query turnaround from your existing Hadoop, Spark, or Hive infrastructure. In fact, the genesis of Trino came about due to these slow Hive query conditions at Facebook back in 2012.

So when you learn that Trino has a Hive connector, it can be rather confusing since you moved to Trino to circumvent the slowness of your current Hive cluster. Another common source of confusion is when you want to query your data from your cloud object storage, such as AWS S3, MinIO, and Google Cloud Storage. This too uses the Hive connector. If that confuses you, don’t worry, you are not alone. This blog aims to explain this commonly confusing nomenclature.


There’s something I have to get off my chest. If you really need to, just read the TLDR and listen to the Justin Bieber parody posted below. If you’re confused by the lingo, the rest of the post will fill in any gaps.

TL;DR: Benchmarketing, the practice of using benchmarks for marketing, is bad. Consumers should run their own benchmarks and ideally open-source them instead of relying on an internal and biased report.

Enjoy the song I wrote about this silly practice.


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